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"a lot of good ideas"

My long term dream is to work with families, supporting them through bereavement, and through living with a severely disabled/terminally ill child and with maintaining the resilience to cope with everything this entails.

Some of the things you have suggested are excellent. Many of your ideas are appropriate for all parents, making for a positive, healthy upbringing. I like the way you word acceptance of literalness. In particular, the positive way of encouraging parents to accept and work with it… rather than saying "Don't..."

I think there are a lot of valuable and interesting ideas contained within the book. I must say that my immediate response when looking at the book was to feel overwhelmed by the lists and not know where to start (I would have liked the information in sections e.g. sensory stimulation, physical touch, family outings, social interaction, friendships etc.), but when Katy added the clear pointer to the Index I found that it was easier than I had thought to find information by subject, as the subject Index is very thorough and easy to use.

As you acknowledge, every child and family is different. I have known children who will not touch anything because the sensory stimulation is too much for them, even physical contact can hurt so they hate hugs and cuddles. Things you have suggested like the headphones are excellent. One boy I knew would wear very dark glasses when in the car because the light stimulation was too much for him and he would melt down because his brain could not make sense of the flickering images.

I found it particularly interesting to read as I have just been given a client who has autism.

J. Smithson, Primary School teacher, hospice worker & Trainee Counsellor, parent (of children with both mainstream and special needs), UK